Keepers of Fortitude - Saryrn / Bertoxxulous

General Discussion => General Topics => Topic started by: Fizzgig on February 02, 2006, 09:03:56 AM

Title: ok I'm heading to the states
Post by: Fizzgig on February 02, 2006, 09:03:56 AM
going to be in huston in 2007 around mayish.  going to the RT convention.  I figure if I can make it across the ocean the rest of you can travel accross country and come meet me :p
Title: Re: ok I'm heading to the states
Post by: Saiferus on February 07, 2006, 12:49:27 PM
2007 that sounds like lots of time to plan a party
Title: Re: ok I'm heading to the states
Post by: Fizzgig on February 08, 2006, 08:42:38 AM
that of course is the plan, I figure Axe and the house of Uno are all in the state if I don't see at least them I'm throwing a tanty
Title: Re: ok I'm heading to the states
Post by: Zaxboan on March 20, 2006, 04:07:20 PM
What's the RT convention? We'll have to get closer to the date before I could commit. It would be great to see the old Keepers for the first time. I've quit WoW, loved the game, too many friggin kids though. I find myself missing EQ time to time, then I remember the late nights lost to fruitless camps, or botched raids, and I get over it.

Hope everybody is doing well, even Ol' Curtis Mayfield.
Title: Re: ok I'm heading to the states
Post by: Fizelle on March 21, 2006, 02:09:40 AM
Part of the House of Uno is now out of state but we'll call her anyway. Suwentei is also considering out of state so you may miss him but we'll try to drag get Matik along. Unfortunately no promises till we get closer to the date.

We played SWG till they screwed over our Jedi just one time too many and we're playing EQ2 now on Blackburrow but not often. Tried WoW when I was visting Lani and Aala but didn't like it. Played Guild Wars and CoH with our SWG guild for a bit but nothing compares to the good old days playing EQ with you guys.

No other game could get 4 adults to take shifts covering the Raster camp for 3 days lmao.
Title: Re: ok I'm heading to the states
Post by: Fizzgig on March 23, 2006, 10:34:08 PM
this is RT  ( or at least this years RT.  I'm going to next years for work which will be about the same time of year :)

I'm still playing EQ occasionally, although I guide more than I play.  I play eq2 on najena server as fizzgiggle mostly :)
Title: Re: ok I'm heading to the states
Post by: Fizzgig on March 25, 2006, 08:39:05 AM
Fiz what Server are Lani and Aala playing on? as Douv is playing WoW surprise surprise as a Pally
Title: Re: ok I'm heading to the states
Post by: Fizelle on March 27, 2006, 01:39:47 AM
No clue. I'll ask and let you know sometime this week.
Title: Re: ok I'm heading to the states
Post by: Superfly on April 04, 2006, 02:29:34 AM
I'm still on Aggramar. Character is Roderic if anyone ever gets on there
Title: Re: ok I'm heading to the states
Post by: Zaxboan on April 07, 2006, 03:44:58 AM
I checked the RT website, and well, it got sorta weird in a hurry. Is that a Renaissance Faire (note the gay extra "e") thing? or is it a sappy book convention? In either case it looked like something I would duck, dodge or feign death for. Is your Hubby coming to this? He can't possibly coming for anything more than the party, at least I hope not. Now, if I knew it was gonna be a "hangin about the bar and drinkin thing" I might be able to convince my better 2/3's to let me go for a day or so.

I just re-read the posts and saw you are doing this for work. When did you get a job, and what exactly are you doing?

Axe, I'm kinda disappointed you missed the Curtis Mayfield reference. Well , hmmm, maybe you didn't. Hard to tell. Remember, Fred is dead....

I'd call you, but you never answer your friggin phone. Sony still calling about unpaid bills?

Title: Re: ok I'm heading to the states
Post by: Douval on April 08, 2006, 01:17:54 AM

G'day All,

And YES Zax it is a Sappy Book Convention, but with a twist there'll be heaps of women there that read "Romance" novels( if we guys read this stuff it would be called PORN and we'd be dirty old men)
that are all drooling over the Book Cover models that will there that they can't have coz there all Gay :) so i wouldn't think it would be a safe place to be if your .. well MALE and have a pulse ( or tho alot of these books are written in the paranormal about ghosts so a pulse might not come into the equation)

Anyway no i won't be going Fizz has told me. as i'd spoil all the fun she has planned.

Otherwise i'd see myself outside by the pool durring the day drinking then sitting at the bar at the parties drinking :) sounds like a great holiday plan to me.
Title: Re: ok I'm heading to the states
Post by: Fizzgig on April 08, 2006, 02:53:53 AM
yes I got a job in a Romance bookstore.  I'm pretty sure if you fish around on the site there's even a picture of me hehe.  I got the job about halfway through last year and now I have heaps of books to read and have authors asking me for reviews and quotes.  Basically the convention is a chance for fans to smooze with authors and authors to smooze with publishers/editors/reviews and booksellers.  To make it more fun they decided to add a couple of fancy dress parties give away enough books that you need a suitcase specially for them and make sure you don't have to pay for food or drinks the entire time your there hehe.  Douv's not coming but someone had to stay home and look after the kiddliwinks and he'd have been bored braindead anyhow.

The dates for the convention next year have been released it runs from the 18-22 of April but I plan on being there about a week in advance so there will be plenty of time for me to hang out with you guys.  Reminds me, need to find a way to contact Kane he'll spit if I show up on the same continant without telling him.

I'll probably know where I'll be staying by the end of next month because it will get announced at the end of this years RT.  Hopefully we can all get together for a day or two hang out go to dinner, raid the carton of tim tams I'll be bringing over hehehe.  Then someone who's actually been to Houston can tell me if I'm central or if I should hire a car.....wrong side of the road driving, wonder if I need to do some kind of test to get a hire car overthere, Oh well I'm sure Douv can find all that out for me.
Title: Re: ok I'm heading to the states
Post by: Kazaba on June 22, 2006, 01:14:05 AM
Heya guys, long time no see.  I've been offline since March, I bought a house and after 3 attempts by the cable company I'm finally online again.  I'll probably pop on to EQ2 from time to time, used to play on the highkeep server but I think they folded that one into another server.

I almost got sent to Oz on business a few months back but the trip got called off, maybe some other time.

Can't be sure what I'll be doing in April next year, but SW generally has pretty cheap flights from Baltimore to Texas, if I'm free I'll definately hop on a plane and hoist a few with Fizzy and whoever else shows up.

Title: Re: ok I'm heading to the states
Post by: Leiyah on July 30, 2006, 12:04:55 AM
oOo that might be do-able !!!  Would love to have a few long island iced teas with the gang!  No idea what or where I'll be at that time but I would love to pencil it in!
Title: Re: ok I'm heading to the states
Post by: Soulstar on September 28, 2006, 04:11:00 AM
keep us posted :)
Title: Re: ok I'm heading to the states
Post by: Saiferus on October 10, 2006, 09:49:01 PM
ya keep us posted to me and myrran are still wondering around