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Messages - Aelderie

Screenshots and Other Funny Things / Ebay
April 28, 2004, 08:07:15 PM

That is beautiful :D
Screenshots and Other Funny Things / Dennys
April 27, 2004, 02:44:16 PM
It's been a while... just a little smile to start your.. er... my Tuesday off right. :)

Screenshots and Other Funny Things / Ugh!
April 27, 2004, 02:30:24 PM
EWW!! Ok that is just ickygross.....

*shudders and smacks her pantlegs*

Is that two of them??

ewwie ewwie icky yuck!


*looks again*

brave Lavitz....  please tell me it's dead....

*shudders again*

*spits in the general direction of creepy skeery spideys*
General Topics / Nothing speacial Just saying Hi
April 26, 2004, 05:18:47 PM
/cheer healer!! :D

Ok..... now that you're here....
I need something to make my arms not so wobbly... the mobs keep laughing at me when I thump them..
and I need something to make me look smaller... I think my dress is shrinking *glares at anyone who'd argue*
and I need something to make me less clumsy... I think I've grown another foot somewhere and it keeps interfering...
and I need something to make me be stronger.... I think these bags are waaaaay heavier than they say they are... all that extra weight *from the bags, it's just the bags I tell you* is dragging me down  *sniff*
and i need something to make me go faster... remember that laughing mob I told you about? well, his mother is ALOT bigger..... *sigh*

Anyway... welcome home :)
General Topics / Thank you
April 23, 2004, 02:48:06 PM
Yay Kestre!

/cheer Clickystick

Ok, so now that you've got it... I would like to reserve clickies- 3, 7, 11, 14-16, 21, 25, 29, 31 and 33 for now... :p

As I get better at this whole "you are not a tank... mez it don't thump it" thingie, I will need to reserve less clickies. But for now, if you would be so kind as to just follow me around and smack me with the stick oh.... every 5 minutes or so.... it'll work perfectly :D

/bounce /bounce /bounce /bounce

Grats again Sdae. :)
General Topics / /hugs
April 23, 2004, 02:39:57 PM
/rubs her eyes and checks again...

So.... you coming back now? I promise you can have first shot at getting me killed :p

/huggles :)
General Topics / /hugs
April 22, 2004, 07:53:38 PM
Yesh, yesh... Korb needs to come to hell. You can't get much farther west without being on the chunk that's going to fall off. :p

/huggles Dina.. I've been looking for you, but I can't keep all your chars straight so I'm pretty much clueless :(

Aelderie and Misu are the only ones I play and Aeld is pretty much acting as crack monkey for Kilscale to keep my monky buffed and heal the booboos that come from making friends... if you can't find either, Kil is dead and I am rezzing with Toxis, but that's about it :)

Speaking of aliens... It's a boy!! we went in today for our 20 week ultrasound to make sure all the organs are good.
As the US technician put it, the alien has erm... external plumbing. :D
I'd put a pic up but I have no way to scan it and I still haven't figured out the whole posting pictures thing anyways..

/cheer Kil and his little heir :)

Must feed, see you all on later.

General Topics / /hugs
April 16, 2004, 03:02:06 PM
bbut.... I've always just been a sweet lovey chanter!

Heh, between my chanter and Kil's shadowknight, we'll have this alien playing necro within a couple years... and it'll prolly outlevel us both! :rolleyes:

And to anyone I might have offended before... no, not all babies are parasites.
It's an alien because it's a foreign life form residing within my body cavity and sustaining itself off of my nutrients. (kinda like a tapeworm)
When it comes out, it will be a creature that gleans it's sustinence by feeding off of my body. :p

BTW I go in for my halfway point ultrasound on the 22nd, so we might find out whether the alien is male or female...
Still working on names, any ideas?
Best (or at least most entertaining) we've got so far is Kil's brother's idea: Denpeg for a boy and Pegdette for a girl. Middle name 5/8.

*sigh* I think the damn thing is gnawing on my liver again... must go feed....
General Topics / /hugs
April 14, 2004, 03:01:45 PM
/bounce /bounce /bounce

/cheer Pink Pancer. Horrible time waster... must have taken up at least half an hour of my "work day". I want the "head in a box" icon.

.... and I thought I was perfectly happy without EQ and all of you guys... I don't think I ever realized how well I was lying to myself till I wandered by the board.

well, you've gone and done it now... now you're stuck with me. :)
General Topics / /hugs
April 13, 2004, 04:39:00 PM
Wherever he is, he SHOULD be down in hell's armpit with Kil and I attending the scottsdale biscuit school so that we, er he can capitalize on the free cheese!!... er the culinary expertise and all of the benefits to me!!.. er to his education that they would be able to offer. yeah.

And then we could help him by being the designated taste testers... :D
General Topics / /hugs
April 12, 2004, 07:38:25 PM
*sneaks back in*

pssst!! Guess what!

... no, guess damnit!!


ok fine, ya spoilsport.....

Aelderie/Misu and Kiltrix/Kilscale are active again.

We reinstalled this weekend and have been relearning since then... Once Zax got me to stop ducking and explained the feet glowy and the game magically ported me out of the wall I wandered in to... we decided that maybe, just maybe we don't quite have this addiction out of our blood yet.

Look for us in the vast empty plains of Kunark "oopsy"ing with our spells and getting our tushes handed to us by greens.  :D


*just so you know, this is all YOUR fault. I was perfectly fine until I wandered past this durn board and saw all your faces and cried until Kil gave in and let me go hunt down the CDs... :p*
General Topics / /hugs
April 08, 2004, 09:59:35 PM
was working away and a little bug flew into my ear...
made me think of my family that supported me for over a year...
haven't seen my redhead for many moons at least, but still...
seeing some of your familiar names is oh so very sweet.

Just wanted to drop by and say hello... expect to hear from me again some time in September... I hope to have the alien out by then. :rolleyes:

/hugs to those who remember me as a silly little chanter
/smiles to those who have no idea who I am

Miss you guys... :(


Quote"FINE! We'll let you in.. if u wear a dress"
Sarkoraz says "woot."


Sounds about right. :p

Go Go Pink Pancer :D