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well i tried and i'm out all

Started by slams, May 13, 2004, 07:44:27 PM

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Well all i gave it another shot just to make sure i was not just in a slump. I left the guild thinking that was it and guess what that was not it either so that leaves me with only one more choice  I 'm going back to the realworld for good. I will be online to sell in trader only till i'm done with that then gonna sell account or delete it . I will stay tagged till the day i'm rdy to put account up for sale in case i change my mind again but not likely.
  This game has become a joke if u ask me pumping out so many expansions to get peoples money and never fixing there f ups its all i can do to log in anymore. So with that all said i wish u all the best of luck in all ur eq raiding and such and when i'm ready to put account up i will detag first and leave a message to let u all know that if u see slams again its not me.
                                                    Thank u all for all the fun times
                                                     Slams heheh I mean jason :-)


/huggles hunny
I know the feeling, and it took me almost a year and a half before I thought that I might be willing to play again...
Even still, all of my online time is when I'm playing with my hunny on our alts in empty midlevel dungeons on abandoned continents. I guess I'm just not ready to jump back into the whole "vision" that used to be so damned important before I just couldn't take it anymore and had to walk away before I started screaming.
I thought my account was killed for over 6 months before it occured to me (as I was going thru my computer files- I removed most of EQ completely from my computer and forgot about it) to try to log on and see what happened... and I guess Aeld wasn't willing to die off just yet.
Don't snuff Slams unless you're just not willing to pay the monthly... even if it's just to log on to the chat function like Korba and jabber at people while you surf the net, we'll still be happy to see you around. And you're always welcome to make a mini char and come wander aimlessly around in the forgotten world of kunark with Kil and I siccing green things on eachother and making bets on the winner while we're looking for big cliffs to "fall" off of.
If you're looking for something to keep you entertained, I would suggest accumulating some anime.. since I stopped playing eq, I built up a collection of over 300 subbed episodes of like 8 different shows and still dl weekly for Inuyasha and Naruto. Of course, I'd bet my comp would run a hell of alot faster if I'd finish burning it instead of letting it take up space, but eh... I'll get to it. :p
Anyways sweets, the greatest thing about this particular family (and my lowbie arse is proof of this) is the fact that you are always welcome back if you ever want to return... so take a breather, go check out the sunshine, find a pool to live in for the summer and think about it again in 3 months or so. :)
And if you never go back to the game, then at least keep up with the boards periodically or I will personally hunt you down (all 150 lbs of my fat arse- acrobatic alien included) and make you come do yardwork for me. :D
I don't like goodbyes, so I'll see you later.
Aeld... aka Stacy


Take care hun /hug
Dont stay out in the sun too long, eq skin can burn quick.