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Started by Mordae Angon, March 04, 2004, 01:27:08 AM

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Mordae Angon

Most of you probably haven't noticed but I have dropped off the map and im not standing on the edge of it as usual...Well Im not dead...Yet.....

  I'm just exhousted and lacking that divine resource time. Just wanted to say Hi to everyone. I might get some play time in next weak if I can stay sentient and semi mobile enough some night to be able to operate a keyboard. Anyhow goodhunting in Norath keepers.

P.S. Is Odi behaving himself? Or has he went into anarchtic overdrive? He is so hard to handle without a pure hearted Knight like myself around to watch him :D *Nudges Odi*

P.P.S. Go Vote in the polls section.
Mordae's list of the world's 10 most evil...evils.
1.) Puppies...Nuff Said.
2.) Carebears
3.) NC Soft (Teh Sux)
4.) MMORPG's in General
5.) ROUS's (Tooo Scary!)
6.) Cocky Healers
7.) Mages
8.) Archers (Nerf teh Archorz!)
9.) De-leveling *Cry*
10.) Flap Jacks (To good for my own good)