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Funny Teamspeak Story

Started by Kazaba, April 17, 2004, 08:27:40 PM

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Some of you who were on last night's raid may have wondered why I out of the blue fired an arrow at the Guardian of the seal and got myself killed.  Others of you may just want a good laugh at your favorite bald one-eyed human ranger's expense.  To satisfy both requests I give you my Teamspeak story -

The Teamspeak story goes thusly -

I have a game pad set up to hit range attack repeatedly to save my hands when I'm primarily shooting. At first I had it set up to hit the 2 key repeatedly (hotbutton 2 is where I always have my ranged attack key). This worked fine until I hit enter to chat or r to reply to a tell at which point I would say to my group or reply to a tell 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222
. I finally got the bright Idea to link hot button 2 not only to the 2 key, but also to f12. That way I can set my game pad to autofire, and chat away, forage or whatever with no problem. However when I manually fire my bow I always use the 2 key, so after a while I no longer really remembered that f12 would fire my bow as well.

Then earlier this week I set up Teamspeak and after fiddiling with my mike a bit decided voice activation didn't work to well so I decided to switch to push to talk. I wanted a key that wouldn't interefere with eq chatting, and wouldn't change my target or my view. So naturally I came up with the same key I'd come up with a year ago for autofire archery f12.

About half way through last night's raid I noticed that I was getting a "you don't have a target" message when I hit push to talk. I was leading the raid last night so I didn't stop right then and switch the push to talk key, but was very careful to make sure I din't have a target or had a PC targeted when I pushed to talk.

Well at least I was careful for a little while. Then Silv said in teamspeak that the Guardian of the Seal and the guard were KoS to anyone. I didn't think that was exactly right, I thought he was only KoS to people who got too close to his seal. So I targeted him and conned him from far away from him and he conned indifferent. Feeling very smart that I knew this factoid and Silv didn't I hit my push to talk key. In slow motion I see the arrow leave my bow and sail majestically across the dungeon where I scored a nice hit on the Guardian of the Seal. Anyhow, I hightailed it across the dungeon to die fast so as not to wipe the raid. Fortunately people were smart enough (or surprised enough) not to help me and only I died and we proceeded to whip some giant golem tail.

And that is the Teamspeak story.


LoL, I feel your pain, I have mine set up on a microsoft sidewinder throttle. throttle on fires arrows throttle off to stop. unfortunately there have been a few times ive forgotten to turn the throttle off, when selecting my next target....thankfully it hasnt happend on a big target like in Ntov or something........Yet


I don't have any funny teamspeak stories yet but....

The first night I was setting it up - I got this great idea based on a few comments that Karlah made.

Because I often skip using the mouse and type things out I figured I would set my "Push to Talk" button to my right-click on my mouse!  It was a wonderful idea!!

Until....I started opening up item links...ALOT of item links!


Karlah tells you, "OUCH!"
Karlah tells you, "OUCH!"
Karlah tells you, "OUCH!"
Karlah tells you, "OUCH!"
You tell Karlah, "huh?"
Karlah tells you, "OUCH!"
Karlah tells you, "OUCH!"
Karlah tells you, "OUCH!"


Sorry X if a wife-in-pain got you smacked around a little.  I'm sure you deserved it for *something* over the last few months!  *wink*