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MORE interestingly big news

Started by Fizzgig, October 16, 2002, 06:48:06 AM

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for those of you who don't check casters relm every day :)


A new feature is being experimented with on the Test Server.  Currently when you log in to the Test Server you get prompted to set an alarm to go off after a fixed duration.

The time is intended to be a true 'alarm clock' to remind people they have real life obligations. It will notify you after you have played for a certain amount of time. There are no plans to make the alarm a spawn or buff timer, so you cannot have multiple alarm clocks operating simultaneously.

The Alarm should go live in tommorrows patch when more information on how it works should become available.


Alan VanCouvering posted to the EQ Live website today announcing that corpses with no items on them will now last 3 hours before they vanish.
gonna be a really REALLY big patch

Queen Gimp
Guild Bank
I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way.......Oh wait...nm