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Pretty sad when...

Started by Leiyah, December 29, 2003, 10:12:28 PM

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It's pretty sad when....

The UPS man comes over today.  I answer the door and my dog nearly bites the guy's hand off.  I lighly chastise my dog (gotta keep him not liking men - he's quite protective of me! :D ) and with a slight stern toned voice say "DODGER!".  To which the UPS man replies "You dont have Gismo anymore?"  LOL.  I was quite surprised.  See - Gismo is my mom's dog who makes twice as much noise as my dog and is at best 1/3 the size.  However, Gismo was just coming in from outside and was not yet at the door but of course quickly came running to do his fair share of announcing the arrival of a 'stranger' at our house.

So - It's pretty sad when the UPS man apparently comes to your house enough to know your dog's name by heart.


I used to have an EQ character on Vallon Zek named Gismo. Now, that's pretty sad
Orian Gemfire
The Original Gnome Cleric *Jealousy*
"And I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide... Ah crap everyones 65! WTF?!"

Orian: You have purty eyes
Fizzgig: why thank you gnomish love god