this is a the site for my fav chocolate treat...they are an aussie tradition...we are taught at a young age to bite off the end dunk it into a hot beverage and suck the cream through the middle then eat before it melts
Quotewe are taught at a young age to bite off the end dunk it into a hot beverage and suck the cream through the middle then eat before it melts
That expalins ALOT
It really does :)
lol yes it's why all good aussie girls can suck like a freeze those tim tams you need to be able to suck long and hard to get your cream :p
QuoteOriginally posted by Fizzgig
lol yes it's why all good aussie girls can suck like a freeze those tim tams you need to be able to suck long and hard to get your cream :p
Could you please stay on topic? We were discussing biscuits, not household appliances.
lol tim tams are almost as good as actually depending on who you ask they are better :P
they are the best biscuits ever though for absoloutly sure
i think it's time for a special forum for fizzgig's recipes.
lol you just want to put me in a section you can make pg13 :p
There's always the PM system.
hmm sounds like a proposition :p
/em covers her eyes and ears
/em opens a packet and offers one to Aire :)
Wonders when the thought police will strike....
lol if there were thought police they'd have locked me up well before I corrupted the rest of you
/em tries to get out of the way when Fizz winds up with leather whip.
omg this thread is so funny. so many good reasons to move to australia
lol seems a good place to mention the earths gravity makes women in the southern hemisphere lean towards top heavy
When are you gonna switch this to funny stuff Aire?
...what vivace said :eek:
thread moved to the funny pages....
lol if I knew it was that easy to get you to do stuff I'd have posted something interesting
Why I can't figore out what you are talking about ? ? ?
lol read it again slower..makes sense to me :)