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Messages - bilbos

General Topics / We're OK to go
January 16, 2003, 05:58:17 PM
Ok, Bamumo (our resident Hole expert, keep the jokes to a minimum), Shadowdweller, and I went to the hole last nite.  I beat down Shadow (woot) and Bam dragged him to the safe ledge, and rezzed him with his own Brell cleric.  Since we dueled, there was no exp loss, so Bam's 30% rez or whatever it was worked just fine :)

When we get there tonite, I will have my rogue gimp logged in and grouped with Shadowdweller at the entrance.  We will pre-form groups, then disband them, then reform once we arrive via CoTH.  STAY ON THE LEDGE!  If you die by getting aggro or falling down, it's your butt.  :)

See you tonite!

For the record, we have one shaman coming (Grundalf) to kill Kirn, NO Enchanters for Ghost of Kindle, and four or five rangers to do the bowl turn-in for Jaeliel the Wretched/Insane.

I wouldn't mind hitting Yael, but I have done 0 research on him and I don't want to change the raid the DAY of the raid.

So the Mage is in position, I'll park the rogue at the entrance, COTH us, Kirn and Kindle die, then Jaeliel takes it hard and heavy x5, and /punt to nexus we go.  Shouldn't take us more than 2 hours.

Once we punt out, if you guys want to head back down via a good group or two, that's a great place to exp :)
General Topics / Raid: Thursday in The Hole for Levin
January 15, 2003, 11:49:21 PM
Jaeliel the Wretched never despawns - according to our Epic Officer, Jaeliel the Insane pops right out of 'Wretched's lap....therefore, as long as we're doing good add control, I don't mind spawning him two or three times, since he's the second and final mob we're doing before we escape.

As long as Levin is ok with it, I'm fine with you coming down for your turn-in, as long as you don't mind being third in line :)

...and thanks for asking beforehand :)
General Topics / Raid: Thursday in The Hole for Levin
January 15, 2003, 08:39:31 PM
Hi all,
   I'm Bilbos from The Knights of Omen.  We have had Kalana participate on several raids and guild events for the Knights, and when she gave us an opportunity to repay the favor by helping her hubby Levin out with his epic, well, we couldn't refuse.

Thursday, Jan 16th at 8pm CST, the Knights and some Keepers will be gathering in Paineel, prepared to bring some pain to Jaeliel the Insane.  We are hitting him for Levin, as well as hitting Kirn for a shaman friend of ours, Grundalf.

Here is the plan, as posted on the Raid forums on eversmack.com, the homepage for the Knights of Omen.  
Eversmack.com Thread

If you're interested in attending, please contact Levin.  We're looking to take three or four solid groups, but no more than four, since we're using the CoTH break-in technique.  

All told, this raid should be less than two hours if we execute correctly.

I hope to see you there in support of Levin :)

(Raid Plan from Eversmack.com)

Here is our Map - http://www.bol.ucla.edu/~berjd/hole/

The strategy is as this -

Rule #1 - Keep that chat channel clear and know how you're participating by reading this entire post.

Boyo (Brell Paladin) or Bamumo's Brell Cleric jump down the hole using Divine Aura (invincibility) and land at the bottom.  Hopefully they won't bug and die for 10kdmg.


**Shadowdweller will be dueled and killed at the entrance in the Hole (grouped with Aarwin and the Cleric/Paladin), and then dragged, dead, to the safe ledge.

**THEN it doesn't matter what level rez he gets, because dueling won't lose him any experience.

**Minor oversight on my part (well, major to the Mage, of course).
::: /edit off/:::

My rogue (LittleBil) Will be parked at the Hole/Paineel entrance.  I will drag Shadow's corpse to the safe ledge, and Boyo or Bam's cleric will follow with IvU.  Note: it NEEDS to be a Brell-worshipping cleric.  Mobs see thru invis and ivu but are Brell-friendly.

Once in the safe spot, Boyo/Bamumo rezzes Shadowdweller, who sits and meds up enough to cast the spell Call of the Hero (CoTH), which summons a groupmember to him.  If Bam's there, he will need to BIND his cleric on the safe spot just in case we get wiped out.  My rogue can CR then to the safe wall.

The first to be summoned will be an enchanter to breeze/crack/KEI him.  CoTH en masse will then begin.  Everyone needs to sit tight on the ledge and not fall over, and not wander.  NOTE: I am parking my rogue on a big stone on the safe ledge....behind him you shall not pass.  If you pass my rogue on the stone, you will be removed from the raid for not paying attention.
Aarwin (my monk at the Hole entrance) will invite you to a group.  Accept and sit tight.  You will be summoned to Shadowdweller.  DISBAND YOURSELF from the group and put /lfg on.

Each group that will form needs to have someone that can cast Invis Vs Undead for the next step.  (Paladins and Clerics can IvU, I'm not sure on other classes).  If there are not enough Pally/Clerics to go around, we need to make more than one trip.  The IvU is for a trip into the tower that we're standing next to on the safe ledge.

Once your group is formed, med to full.  Once everyone has CoTH, we will IvU and head up to the top of the tower to kill Kirn.  Kirn will die first, then we are taking out Jaeliel the Insane, who is spawned from Jaeliel the Wretched.

We IvU up to Kindle's room and crowd on the west-wall (I believe it's the west wall).  If you lose IVU during any portion of this run, please stand where you are and die.  a 90/96 rez will be given to you and you'll be rebuffed after a quick battle in Kindle's room...so no worries.  We Don't want you bringing mobs back to the room with you, because that would cause probs.  NOTE: Part of raiding is being aware of your surroundings.  If you happen to bring a train of mobs back up with you, that means you weren't aware or weren't paying attention, and will be removed from the raid.

Once in Kindle's room, we will drop Kindle (Chanter epic piece for those that need), and clear his room.  Then a puller (who will be designated by me before the CoTH process begins) will clear the way to Kirn (Shaman Epic), who is in the room next door.  Once Kirn's path is clear, the puller will bring Kirn INTO the Kindle room where everyone is.  He is not a difficult battle, but he does have some healthy HP to whittle away.

Once Kirn is done, we will re-IvU, and head downstairs back near the safe ledge.  But once we get out of the tower, instead of heading to the safe ledge, we will continue straight out of the tower and down the path.....again, if your IvU wears off, get a loc, stand and die, and one of our designated CorpseRunners will pick you up for a rez (who will also be decided by me before the CoTH begins).

Once we run down into the tunnel in front of the tower, far enough to not aggro the mobs near the tower, we will pick a fairly safe spot near Jaeliel and drop IvU.  There is actually both a ratman as well as an elemental that wander that hallway, so chances are we'll engage one of them or both of them on the way.

That hall also hosts a wandering undead....once we kill it, we're fairly clear to Jaeliel.  We do the turn-in for Levin, and Wup on Jaeliel the Insane.

After we're done there, everyone gets a quick punt or port out to WC, and we're done.  

Any questions?
General Topics / registration
January 08, 2003, 02:00:57 AM
Hi!  I just wanted to mention that you can register your domain eqkeepers.net by transferring to either http://www.aitdomains.com or http://www.gandi.net.  I use gandi.net (transferred from aitdomains) for eversmack.com (the site for the Knights of Omen) and they will both transfer your service and give you a 2 year contract for only $10.  Check it out!