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Messages - Aelderie

General Topics / Re: Does anyone still come here?
January 22, 2014, 03:36:53 AM
Me! Me!  :biggrin:
Miss you guys.. have never found as much enjoyment in a game since KoF days. Thanks for all the great memories.  :smilie:
General Topics / Re: Does anyone still come here?
February 07, 2010, 10:23:02 AM

And the clumsy redhead 'chanter is back!!!  :rolleyes:
Thank you Chingerz for giving me access yet again..... awesomeness in a pally wardrobe!  :biggrin:

3 kids later!~

If you are not already wasting your life away on facebook apps (hence not in my friends or neighbors or employees or WTFever each one calls it), talk to me at Aelderie@gmail.com
or find me on facebook: stacy@azland.net


Quoteemails are soe.eq.tribunal.fizzgig
yes I movelogged so did douv but I made a new char on saryrn for guild leader

Wow... I guess it's finally time to face the facts. After many years of incredible ups and downs, nights of frustration and days of splendor, Keepers Of Fortitude is a dead guild.  :(

Kilscale and I are prolly going to retag with some other guild ingame as we still play regularily and it is getting very hard to do much being a two-person guild most of the time we're on. We've seen a couple other guildies periodically, but there is no longer that bond... there are no guild groups, there are no guild raids, there are no guild events... We are clinging to the remnants of a past age.

It's time for us to put our precious memories away move on, instead of dragging our vision of what the guild once was through the filth of neglect.

Good luck to all, much love to those of you who remember "The good ol' days".


Aelderie and Misu are finally moving on.   :)

I prolly won't be back here, but you can always drop me a line at BoboLynn2@cox.net
EQ2 & The Keepers / sheesh
February 10, 2005, 08:20:08 PM
LOL yeah, so far he's got dad's coloring and looks....

But we're all hoping he gets my intelligence and personality.
Then he'll be unstoppable!!
EQ2 & The Keepers / Happy Birthday Queen Fizzgig!
February 02, 2005, 04:45:07 PM
Happy B-Day Miz Fizz  :)
EQ2 & The Keepers / sheesh
January 31, 2005, 02:11:00 AM
Uberfly!!  :D

"You remind me of the babe."
"What babe?"
"The babe with the power."
"What power?"
"The power of voodoo."
EQ2 & The Keepers / sheesh
January 28, 2005, 03:50:55 PM
Name the movie: "Terriffic: T-double E-double R-double I-double F-double I-double CCC."

EQ2 & The Keepers / sheesh
January 26, 2005, 04:02:24 PM
Heh blame that on his Daddy, Saif... The hard-hearted corpse-lovin shadowknight seems to have a soft spot for anything with fatbear Pooh on it.  :p
EQ2 & The Keepers / sheesh
January 22, 2005, 10:24:01 PM

Kiltrix and I have been on EQ quite a bit, but we don't ever see anyone... most of the time we're busy with our little 4 month old ruler.  :p

/huggles Keepers!  :D
General Topics / Happy New Year!
December 31, 2004, 05:03:24 PM
Wishing my Keepers kin the best of holiday seasons and a gloriously memorable New Year.

May all your resolutions stand firm and may all your bad habits be lost.  :p

May you wake up tomorrow excited about the potential of 2005 and-
    a. not be too terribly hung over
    b. not have already broken over half of your most important resolutions
    c. not be starting a day of gruelling clean-up after your idiot friends decided to get drunk and trash your house

I think that just about sums it up....

I for one will be asleep long before midnight and won't be doing much of any celebrating (unless it's "oh yay, oh joy, I finally got the baby vomit out of my hair"), so somebody *not driving* better have an extra one for me.  :D
General Topics / KOF in boring EQ1
November 23, 2004, 06:18:26 PM
Well, my druid dolly spent over a year tagged under a GM event guild name (Children of Darkness), so I guess if it comes to it, Kil and I will keep KoF alive out of sheer stubbornness.

We'll be playing this game until Sony drops it altogether, and Keepers will always be our guild.

We'll miss our family though  :(
General Topics / KOF in boring EQ1
November 20, 2004, 04:33:31 PM
Kil and I have been on every night this week and most of last week... Other than axe and axette usually in the Bazaar, I have yet to see another Keeper...

Where is everybody?  :confused:

Has everyone left us after all?  :(
General Topics / In EQ2 on the Mistmore Server
November 14, 2004, 05:25:43 PM
Anything they don't want, I'm sure Kil and I could find a home for. :)

I'd still rather be able to see you ingame, but with the limited playing time and baby, there's no reason for us to switch to EQ2 :(

Gonna miss you guys....
General Topics / A little IveDmg
November 13, 2004, 01:13:45 AM
Quote from: Leiyah...3cm to delivery in a 18 minute time period...

...She said had she had her first natural like she originally hoped for...it would have been her only...

OMG!! was everything ok? My mom had my brother at home and her labor was less than an hour... he shot out so fast he would have hit the wall if the midwife hadn't been there to catch him (although, that was the last time my brother did anything promptly in his life... other than knock up his 17yr old girlfriend 4 months after we got pregnant- Dad said he wanted me to have the first grandkid... I don't think he was meaning first by a few months...)
The downside was that he was delivered so fast that mom started hemmorraging and dad had to call the ambulance (6 cop cars, 3 fire trucks and 2 ambulances according to my dad) to take her to the hospital. The midwife rode with out of necessity (had her hand stuck up there holding up mom's belly button from the inside) and they forgot about the newborn  :p

Anyways, that's my only good delivery horror story  :D

Here's Ian at 9weeks
General Topics / In EQ2 on the Mistmore Server
November 13, 2004, 12:52:32 AM

*looks around at everyone leaving EQ*


Isn't anyone staying to keep me and Kil company?