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Messages - Vezza

General Topics / WOW vs EQ2
December 15, 2004, 04:57:01 AM
Hi Guys.

Thought i would drop i line on the subject.....

To give you an indication, i paid to move Vezza across to Tribunal, two weeks later Sigarnak gets me a copy of WOW and says try it for free for the first month.

Well suffice to say since that time i have logged into EQ once for about 30 min which was meant to be a raid night, to discover that the rank have dwindled even on tribunal to a stage where they where struggling to get 20 people on for a raid night... partially due to holiday season, some too EQ2 and then also WOW.

** i went ld and didnt bother logging back on **

As for WOW.. the game is very easy to play, but down side to that is you get a lot of Kids... sorry if i offend anyone with that.

Also it has specific servers allocated to geographic location so you get to play with others in your time zone..

AND the game is very soloable, shared quests meaning you can share a quest with someone, named mobs drop quest items for all party members, so no fighting or bitching about loot, random 100 is automatic and the winner gets the item placed in their inventory, you can set loot to NBG so only people who could use would get a change to roll etc... quests management system SHitZ all over eq's as it actually has a quest register that you can review which quests are outstanding and where you need to go etc... spawns are extremely quick so no fighting over camps etc.. it is an open policy no camps fist person or group to damage a mob gets the kill regardless of how much damage how high a level you are etc.. so GEEZ that saves alot of bitching in game, because you can share quests you find people duo alot to get harder quests done or to do dungeons ( all instanced for you individually or your group )

Trade skills actually is worth doing and are relevant to the game, yes trade skills needed to certain quests, but nothing that you cant get a friend to do for you, no drop items can actually be sold to vendors so you dont go throwing away items as you did in EQ.

Trading in WOW is done through and auction house, namely you place you items in and hit auction and people bid on the items you do not have to be on at all when you log back you check your mail and it tells you what sold what was bid on how long it has to go for auction to conclude etc.... it is an awesome system...

Deaths management is great when you die you are a ghost and run through unhindered anywhere, and instead of XP hits your armour takes durability hits so if you keep dieng your armour gets damaged and you have to repair and it can be expensive.. so death is not about loss of time is about the CASH!!! lol hit them where it hurts.. but in general a good system.

Travel using griffins boats etc.... is great  ( no porting in the game as all ) warlock can summon you tho from anywhere in the world to them, but needs the group to assist by helping open the gate namely you imput mana intt the gate to get the person summoned.

GUILD management is also excellent, as GL you allocate rank to people in the Guild.. GENERAL / VETERAN / Officer etc etc... which is visible in your specs its really cool.

ANd it goes on and on and on and on... the game is definately worth a look, especially when the first month is free, you dont have to pay for updated they release in the future... hard to say no to that.

Me and Sigarnak are on the Uther server on Pacific timezone if anybody does decide they wanna try WOW..

Look for:
Name : Siko
Class: Hunter
Race: Dwarf ( rofl they use guns instead of bows )
Level: 27

Hope to see some of you guys sometime on WOW as i dont think i will be going back to EQ something i never thought i would say after the time invested in Vezza over 2-3 year period, but once i got onto WOW i cant see myself going back.

Would love for some of us to hook up on WOW as class mix helps but isnt mandatory so anyone can group effectively, and not spend hours trying to find a slower or a cleric or a tank or a wiz etc... you can just go and have fun and play AND be challenged...


Tank formerly known as Vezza
General Topics / Keep the EQ2 Info coming...
November 19, 2004, 03:03:11 AM
Hi Guys.

Just a quick one to let folks know that i have finally pulled my finger out and given my thumb a go  :eek:

Namely i have with Xtens / Karlah / Lohagen now become a fixture on The Tribunal server, incase anyone was wondering hehe.

IN regards to EQ2 i think im going to wait for a bit and see how it unfolds, still so much i havent done on EQ1 that i hope to achieve on Tribunal, before i think about moving to EQ2.

But saying that i appreciate all the posts around EQ2 im seeing on the boards, i think its real helpfull for us archaic fools still on EQ1, still thinking about moving...
I am actually glad to hear that EQ2 is not just a re-branded EQ1.

MOving forward, i will probably aim to move to an Aussie server for EQ2, dont think i could handle being stuck in the wrong time zone for 3 years .......

Probably wont move until i can at least some of the old KOF contingent to move with me.

So if your on the aussie server for EQ2 shoot me a tell or throw a quick post in here so i can get an isea of how many of us are already there, and perhaps who is thinking of moving... cause i think its a matter of time only before this happens......

Take care guys.
General Topics / Dx9 _ Bung Video Card
March 25, 2004, 04:03:01 AM
Hi Guys.

Just a quick note on the whole patch screw up ....

My 2nd Machine now is also screwed and will not even let me load onto EQ at all on Punjana's machine and im still yet to Fix my Video card.

So may not see the troll for a while =/