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Messages - Banaddor

General Topics / going on leave from eq
June 06, 2002, 03:29:56 PM
ok found a buyier for my comp. well time to say my good bys all has been a blast to know all of you oh and leave something left to do in eq cause i will rtn lol good luck and happy hunting cod bless you all i leave with this last thought............

Though i am but a wandering druid and travel the lands in the name of tunare...

I seek only to uphold that which fair.......

I travle the lands to seek out the truth.......

and in that search i have found the proof.....

for in life i battle a powerfull enemy in which i can not see.....

but this is no longer a game but a place i hvae found a wounderfull family........

i wish you all the best and look forward in rtning to see how you all have grown later my friends
Screenshots and Other Funny Things / ok drool time
June 04, 2002, 08:11:34 PM
just thought i would post this cause it made me do a double take lol :)
General Topics / Elysian Armor
June 04, 2002, 07:49:51 PM
well while doing some research i found this on the msg board and thought i would pass it along.

Exedor's guide to Elysian Armor =)
 Let me preface this by saying: Yes the ac has been nerfed. Yes we are all disappointed. But adding a HEFTY dose of resists and a nice bit of wisdom to compensate us makes me feel a LOT better about it :)

What you will need: Main thing you're gonna need is levels, if you are 55 + you'll only need 1 -2 friends to make this doable. Though it can be VERY painstaking work doing it that way and the more peopel you have the faster the kills and drops go.

Lower than that 55, I strongly suggest a full group. And to prevent frustration, chanters and clerics are an excellent choice, though neither is required.

How to get there: The route is fairly simple. From nexus to Netherbian lair, Straight thru to the opposite end and zone out to dawnshroud. Invis up and follow the left wall past the rockhopper caves to the maidens eye zone line. Keep invis up and zone to maidens. From maidens zone basically run straight accross the fields to the opposite wall of the zone, of to the right a little ways you'll see a structure guarded Xi Vius and Xin Thall Centians, inside is the zone to umbral planes. Bind here before you zone in.

Welcome to umbral plains, the zone seems designed to allow small guilds and groups of friends to get themselves gear that is comparable to the stuff the semi-ubers wear. /thank verant (sincerely) The first obstacle you will encounter is the static spawn dark assasin who camps just around the corner from the zone line.

Dark assasins are the HARASSMENT mobs of umbral and if you run into problems while here, it will probably be due to these guys. They have huge aggro range so basically if you can see them, they can see you. they also cast necro snare which slows you to a crawl, and they are immune to basically all control spells (root, snare, mez, charm, etc). Thankfully, most of them dont see invis, but randomly they spawn ones that do see invis. Some will not see invis to undead, so if you need to get past him and invis isnt working, try invis to undead. If neither works on that particular pop, you will need to kill him to continue without deaths. If you have rogues rangers or bards with you, you may want to kill him anyway because assasins are the mobs that drop rogue / bard / ranger gear in this zone.

Once you have dealt with the assasin, make sure everyone is invised and follow the right wall past the temple which is surrounded by massive stone guardians, we think this is the zone to vex thall. Anyway, pass the temple and stick to teh right wall til you get to about neg 1700 neg 1700. This is as close to a safe pull spot as you're gonna find near the target mobs spawn.

When ready to start pulling, face directly out from the wall and a little to the right, run up over the hill and you will see two sets of ruins with big flat floors and a few standing timbers. Your target is gonna be the DISTURBED ELYSIAN REMAINS, the spawn in packs of three and are laying down on the flat floor like piles of bones. With harmony I was able to pull singles most of the time. They are snare/root/dot soloable but Verant has given them such uber hit points that this is not advisable. All mobs in this zone also hit for pretty serious damage so be warned, you wont be tanking these for long as a druid hehe.

Pathing here kinda sucks so you will need to stay close enough to them during the pull or they will go tearing off in some bizzarre direction and return to your camp 10 mins later with lots of trainage.

At this point you are basically home-free, just keep clearing the disturbed remains and eventually you will start seeing your nifty druid armor drop.

Things to watch out for: Dark Assasin's DO path near the ruins, if you are doing this without a cleric or feign death puller, then you need to keep a healer within range of the puller in case he gets snared by an assasin during the pull. If he does get snared, your heal should transfer aggro to you, at which point you can pull him back towards the group and decide whether you have the manpower to kill him or if you need to have everyone camp to clear agrro and you gate to maidens and run back, succoring to the zone line is also a viable option, but the succor point is within aggro range of the assasin who guards the zone line. So be prepared to zone really fast to maidens after succoring.

Other items of note: Most of the mobs here don't summon. But have uber hitpoints and hit hard to make up for it. Fallen Soldiers DO summon and you will berunning into them, but they otherwise aren't *much* tougher than the disturbeds.

If you have Int casters with you, you WANT lots of fallen soldiers and Shak Dathors, as they are the ones who drop the Int caster Armor (dreamweaver's robe is like 12 ac 14 int 40 hp 40 mana and more, or something liek that /drool) If you have platemail classes, you will want to pull the goranga looking things that you passed on the way here. They drop the platemail, but my experience with fighting them is ratehr limited so you'll have to figure out how to do them on your own. in fact, please post whatever you find about them here :)

Not a whole lot more to be said about it beyond this. But if you die and need a resser, try dragging your corpse to maiden's eye zone line and looking in maidens for a cleric to pop over and click you. Be prepared to go invis the cleric and guide him to the zone in. Offering free portage / donations for his help is also a nice thing to do :)

Edit: PS - When Fighting Assasin's Try to let the tanks build aggro for a few secs before anyone casts slows or heals or debuffs, a chanter trying to slow one before aggro is built up on teh tank will die fast, a shaman can prolly endure long enough to have a good tank taunt it off, but why risk it.

PPS - If you like this guide and find it helpful, you can thank me by posting any further info you you discover about this zone, especially what mobs drop what kind of armor, as so far all I know is Disturbed = Druid, Shak's and Fallen = Int caster, Assasins = Chain Class and Bard, and The Goranga looking dudes = Platemail. We have yet to figure out which ones to target for the monk, shaman and beastlord gear. And my info on the platemail gear is sketchy at best :(

Edited by: Exedor   at: 1/25/02 2:30:34 pm
Just Allyssia  
Registered User
(1/25/02 3:51:21 pm)
  Re: Exedor's guide to Elysian Armor =)
 Very helpful indeed. Although it is possible to solo these w/root/snare/dots. It's a long painstaking process, but for the willing it is possible. The tactics are a lil different. I'll have to check /loc next time I'm at my location. I do think it's closer to go right from the ME zone in, however by habit I always head left, and go all the way down the left wall staying high up on the wall past the netherbian caves and past the valley area just past the rock sticking high up out of the wall. You'll run along the wall and notice it starting to turn left again at that point there's a tree to your right with a wooden platform almost like a partial tree house. This is your camp spot.

Disturbed Elysian Remains pace back and forth here, as do Shaks and an occasional Fallen Soldier. When you spot an Elysian alone pull him high up on the wall and root him. Snare him an dot him up and med, repeat and rinse. As long as you fight up on the wall you will not aggro the DA's or other mobs that path back and forth. If you have the Mana you can kill two at a time. Just keep Egress up in case you run into trouble.

Soloing here isn't the fastest experience, but if others don't wanna deal with the slow drops and you want your umbral equipment, this is an alternative.

Hope it helps.


As far as drops go from my experiences:
Gloves, Boots, Legs, Bracers - common
Arms, Tunic, Cap - Rare

Checked this zone out for the first time today with a group of friends, thought the drops were very nice. :)

We ended up with 2 boots, 2 hats, 4 bracers, 1 tunic, 3 leggings, 5 gloves. We also got 2 priest shoulders and 3 masks from the elders, and then just from killing those alien looking things that got in our way we got a nice caster robe. Had a great time learning and exploring the zone too. :)

sounds like a lot of fun and it seems that there is stuff for a lot of people there. figured the keepers may be able to add this to there non raid places to equip guildies. any ways gl and hope to see ya before the whole guild is 60  lol

also added a comparsion for the quest armor so ya can see how it stacks up. please note none of this is my own work i simply found it on the web lol

General Topics / going on leave from eq
June 01, 2002, 11:37:41 PM
well once again it seems like my battle with cancer is taking me away from EQ. now some of you have been concerned bout my battle so let me say this my last check up went very well and it seams that i have wone against cancer atleast for now. the new prob is that all the treatments are expensive and i am going to have to file bankruptcy. I was told to liquidate my assesets before i file it. this meens that along with a lot of other things my comp will have to go :(

now thanks to some really great friends i will be able to keep banaddor from being deleated so i will rtn once again. but to do that i will have to rebuild my finances. which will take some time. in my time in eq  i have meet a lot of great people. most of which has been in my family i call the keepers. i have seen a lot of changes in this guild since i joined we have had some hard times but have allways overcome them together. i will try to go to the libary every once in a while to see what the keepers have been up to.  with the great leaders of the keepers and the visions they have i know this guild will thrive and only become better. i look forward to the day i can rtn and see everyone once again.

well hopefully 1 day all this stupid stuff will be behind me and i can continiue to learn and grow with the greatist guild in all of norrath the Keepers of Fortitude. i wish the best to each and every one of you and may all you goals be chalanging and rewarding. if ya see me on in the next cpl days drop me a tell i will really miss all of ya.
General Topics / 8th shawl war quest
May 29, 2002, 03:54:44 PM
ya the quest was buged before but it was a prob of the dain eating the 7th shawl that has been fixed than god lol i have lost 1 shawl from some npc eating it but that was my fault lol. now like i said there is a pathing prob with the general. also i should note do not use wolf form as we will be heading to the camp near the docks and i can vouch that they do not like wolf form.
General Topics / 8th shawl war quest
May 29, 2002, 07:40:31 AM
ok I have finally completed the armor for the 8th shawl and now I wish to seek the help of the guild in completing the final part of the quest once complete this is what I will receive:

Blessed Coldain Prayer Shawl
8AC, +8 STA, +8 CHA, +8 WIS, +8 INT, +8 all saves, +50 HP, +50 mana
Effect: Zephyr of Brell (2 mana/tick, increases buff durations by 15%)

The various wolves and giants that you will fight during this process also drop some very nice gear. So far reported have been the:

Snowchipper: 1HS 10/20, AC 5, str/sta/dex 5, sv cold 10, 3% to parry, weight 4.0, recommended level 51, war,rog,brd,shd,pal,rng/all

Drakkel Wolf Claws: 1H Piercing 10/20, AC 10, dex/int/cha 10, sv cold 10, hp/mana 40, weight 2.0, recommended level 51, effect: Wandering Mind, brd,rng,wiz,mag,enc,nec,bst/all

Spiked Velium Mallet: 1HB 10/20, str/sta/dex 5, sv cold 10, 3% to block, weight 1.0, recommended level 51, effect: Frostcall, war,rog,mnk,brd,shd,pal,clr,dru,shm,rng/all

Ice Forged Helmet: head item AC 18, str/wis/int 5, sv cold 10, hp/mana20, weight 4.0,recommended level 51, effect: Velium Shards, war,brd,shd,pal,clr,rng/all

Tracking Wolf Collar: neck item AC 10, wis/int 5, hp/mana 40, sv cold 10, 2% to dodge, weight 1.0, recommended level 51, all/all

General Bragmur: You will find him to start the action bit at -3400, 9000 in Iceclad. His respawn is about 4 hours in case you happen to catch him shortly after someone else has killed him or completed the quest. Reports are that his pathing during the trek to the gnomes is a little flakey, he will sometimes disappear and then reappear as he is walking, so don't panic. It might be reassuring to have a tracker in case you lose sight of him entirely. Some folks have also reported that it helped to have someone who can feign, to agro the General and lead him back to the appropriate route in case he warps back to his spawn point or otherwise gets off track. As you travel, you will encounter five waves of attack from the giants and their wolves, some harder than others. It sounds like three coordinated groups of 55+ are required at the very barest minimum. Remember that you will also be agroed by all the green wolves and giants and obnoxious dervishes that you encounter along the way. It might be good to have a few folks as the designated greenie brigade to help keep them out of everyone else's hair while fighting the real attacks. Please give those nasty dervishes a whack for me while you're at it.

First Wave: (-3550, 7550) 4 Kromriff Tracking Wolves spawn and attack. These cannot be snared or rooted. Unsure about stuns or mezzes. The wolves are not difficult.
Second Wave: (-2200, 7250) 4 Frost Giant Skirmishers spawn and attack. They hit for 178 max I believe and were again easily dispatched.
Third Wave: (-1100, 5950) Commander Kvarid and 3 Frost Giant Skirmishers spawn and attack. (They spawn on the General.) They cannot be stunned, mezzed, rooted or snared. The Frost Giant Skirmishers are 55ish, and Commander Kvarid is 57.
Fourth Wave: (1500, 2250) 5 Kromriff Tracking Wolves spawn and attack.
Fifth Wave: (3700, 2650) Commander Vjorik and 5 Frost Giant Skirmishers spawn and attack. (They spawn on the General.)

Wolves were GoK'able...but it wasn't easy for the 57 chanter.

Nothing was snarable or rootable by me (60 druid).

The named giants summoned, but nothing else did.

I have gathered this info from eqtraders and am looking for anything that will better prepare us for this. on the 2 times I have assisted others doing the final part I have seen that a ench is vital to the success. the general has a bit of a wondering prob while fighting some of the battles. some one will have to kite it around while the rest kill the giants and / or wolves than memblur so the general will continue on. also 1 time the general disappeared and ended up back near the beginning. this turned out to be little prob as it was just kited back and memblured or atoned heh what every a enchs do and it continued on its way.

well I am off now to bed been a long day lol let me know if I will need to pull in outside help and if so how many ill see which non guiltier friends I can pull along :)
General Topics / May 8, 2002 Patch Message
May 09, 2002, 02:36:50 PM
shawl # 8 well here we go again

well this is the possable effect that is belived to be on the shawl.

Zephyr of Brell
1: Increase spell durations up to 15%
2: Restriction: Spells level 60 and lower
3: Restriction: "Beneficial" spells only
5: Restriction: "Divine Aura" spells excluded
6: Attribute: 8C (
7: Increase Mana by 2 (L1)

8AC, +8 STA, +8 CHA, +8 WIS, +8 INT, +8 all saves, +50 HP, +50 mana
Effect: Zephyr of Brell (2 mana/tick, increases buff durations by 15%)
(Note: Effect does *not* count as Flowing Thought meaning it will stack on top of 15 FT items, allowing basically FT17).

sigh well rather it is true or no is still to be seen. but anyways it has at least be better than the 7th so ya know i will have to do it. also there is mention of making this armor for a war that will be happing soon. i guess kinda like the 10 th ring war. we know they plan on 10 shawls so it is possable :p