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Where not in Freeport Anymore!

Started by Mordae Angon, June 01, 2003, 03:25:27 AM

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Mordae Angon

I was walking around my favorite old zone LFay! When all the sudden I ran face to face into a magical creature. She led me by the hand to a wonderful land. Now I am thinking man maybe she is just disguised as a fairy or some other fairy tale stuff like that. But then we arrived at a small village. All the other fairies were stairing at me like I was meat when I spied in the distance something shiny. I just had to pull out my camera and take a pic...
Mordae's list of the world's 10 most evil...evils.
1.) Puppies...Nuff Said.
2.) Carebears
3.) NC Soft (Teh Sux)
4.) MMORPG's in General
5.) ROUS's (Tooo Scary!)
6.) Cocky Healers
7.) Mages
8.) Archers (Nerf teh Archorz!)
9.) De-leveling *Cry*
10.) Flap Jacks (To good for my own good)

Mordae Angon

Well it was all fun till the tin man pressured me into eating part of his house...As you can see I was temporarily out of action while they fairies flew around with my camera.
Mordae's list of the world's 10 most evil...evils.
1.) Puppies...Nuff Said.
2.) Carebears
3.) NC Soft (Teh Sux)
4.) MMORPG's in General
5.) ROUS's (Tooo Scary!)
6.) Cocky Healers
7.) Mages
8.) Archers (Nerf teh Archorz!)
9.) De-leveling *Cry*
10.) Flap Jacks (To good for my own good)

Mordae Angon

Well after I woke up I got mad cause the gear guy had tricked me. So I told him to hand over his money. He said tuff shit human. So I attacked. The whole fight he was screaming about protecting princess Jolean I dont know I took his recording device though so they have no evidence I murdered him.
Mordae's list of the world's 10 most evil...evils.
1.) Puppies...Nuff Said.
2.) Carebears
3.) NC Soft (Teh Sux)
4.) MMORPG's in General
5.) ROUS's (Tooo Scary!)
6.) Cocky Healers
7.) Mages
8.) Archers (Nerf teh Archorz!)
9.) De-leveling *Cry*
10.) Flap Jacks (To good for my own good)