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Back: sort of, and an apology to Marn

Started by Kazaba, April 22, 2003, 05:46:56 PM

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Well the Army decided they didn't need my services after all, so after going through a few weeks of physicals, shots and endless form filling out I'm a civilian again.  I'm surprised to find that I'm actually disapointed by this.

So anyway I'm back at least part time.  Managed to log on a bit the other day but crashed 3 times in the hour or so I was on.  I finally just got fed up and didn't log back in. (sorry Marn, I hope Ixi went OK).  So until I get a new computer my appearances will probably be rare.


Ixi was a blast... we completed the hand in to the spawn mob, and WHOAH there were 2 of the fiery elementals to kill.

LPR took one, we took the other and in the end there were 2 happy clerics in the zone.


Hope to see you around soon.


Thanks Kaz!

Spawn time rolled around and Loh says " I guess I am pulling?"
Then it was "Which one do I pull?"
Yes, as Karlah said there were 2! Ixblat's.  Both went down and got both rods.
Now it is on to kill that pesky king of Dok!