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Started by unoshato, February 27, 2003, 05:56:40 PM

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we were having a good time killing guards and abominations (some of whom have a have a chance to pop a named upon death)  when suddenly this mutha popped right nearby and came over to say hi..

I was once told I was as blunt as a Rusty spoon... deal with it :P

Unoshato, Kudaku


we got her down to a whopping 82% health..

I was once told I was as blunt as a Rusty spoon... deal with it :P

Unoshato, Kudaku


wipe city with a side order of FD.. YEY

I was once told I was as blunt as a Rusty spoon... deal with it :P

Unoshato, Kudaku


i know it looks like i was still standing which has led to me getting killed in the past by thinking FD has failed... they truly need to fix the FD bug..

but yeah i FD'd and waited and some of sark's new buddies dragged everyone away from this freak..later we made an ill-fated attempt at Soulseeker Nadox himself..quads for 400+ and even though he can be slowed (gratz fiz on landing that) we wiped in a grandiose 12 seconds he has way too many HP.  we will need at least two clerics in rotation (bare minimum) and several groups because the room he is in pops very fast and we will need some major dmg output to clear the way to him and still have enough mana fer the attempt.  he has to guards on either side of his altar against the right wall, four gaurds in front of him and two more at the entrance with one more stationary one down each hall for good measure and a freaking wanderer who like to walk in unannounced to say high as well.... once we started clearing the room i can single everyone till the final two gaurds directly in front of him, so as long and no one strays to close or we let a mob were engaged on drift nearby we can get him singled from the two gaurds on he back wall.  it will be a tough fight i have no clue bout his resists, but this will be a two or three group minimum encounter just to clear out the room fast enough to engage him before repops.

I was once told I was as blunt as a Rusty spoon... deal with it :P

Unoshato, Kudaku


this appears to be a triggered mob there is a rare spawned ambassador who apparantly you have to kill when he pops who then triggers the broodmother.  although for this fight i am sure were gonna need a nice sized raid... this was a very tough mob. but we could perhaps do both in one night without too much trouble and some very nice stuff is dropping in this zone right now.

I was once told I was as blunt as a Rusty spoon... deal with it :P

Unoshato, Kudaku