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Seb Key

Started by Mordae Angon, March 09, 2003, 12:48:46 AM

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Mordae Angon

Just would like to say hello to everyone in keepers, and thanks again to Ryverwind , Zorvic , and Nytehunter  for the help with seb key :D
Mordae's list of the world's 10 most evil...evils.
1.) Puppies...Nuff Said.
2.) Carebears
3.) NC Soft (Teh Sux)
4.) MMORPG's in General
5.) ROUS's (Tooo Scary!)
6.) Cocky Healers
7.) Mages
8.) Archers (Nerf teh Archorz!)
9.) De-leveling *Cry*
10.) Flap Jacks (To good for my own good)


NP Mordae nice to see you on the boards, we'll get you taged soon enough


You are quite welcome, Mordae.  Hope to see you with a KoF tag soon.