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Fizelle is right.. (Which Simpson are you?)

Started by Orian, March 12, 2003, 08:27:58 PM

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 I am Dr.Nick Riviera !

You're a fake. In all walks of life you're putting up a front. However, your clever front brings you money and fortune as you are able to fool the dumb masses of the world! You clever bitch

Which simpson Character are YOU?

Orian Gemfire
The Original Gnome Cleric *Jealousy*
"And I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide... Ah crap everyones 65! WTF?!"

Orian: You have purty eyes
Fizzgig: why thank you gnomish love god



I'm Nelson:

"You're damn mean but you love it! Being big for your age, you use your power to execute malicious acts to create suffering. You gleefully laugh at others misfortune."



I haven't had this much fun since the rats ate my babysitter...



You are Duffman!!
You're a superhero-God of Beer. Saucy but bold, you're a man of few words. You are tough, smart, and know how to thrust your pelvis in the "direction of the problem".
Make it your Buddy Icon!


/em scratches head...

On first attempt

You are Professor Frink!!
A good hearted and benevolent genious, your inventions are always unique and clever! On face you seem like you know what you're talking about, but most people suspect that you're full of shit.

Upon further examination with a few changes, I continually came up with this one.... ughh

You are Cledus the slack-jawed yokel!!
You are a hilbilly, straight up. You probably live in the hills or something, spending your days chasing pigs with your seventeen children who have 23 teeth between them.
Artorious Rex
Lord Protector of Mithaniel Marr

Elder of The Tribunal


You are The Comic Book Guy!!
You're a geek, most likely with no friends. The few that you do associate with are surely losers too. You'd rather watch Star Trek than engage in social activity, which is why you'll die alone.

how awful
i must suck real bad



Well I guess no one has heard of Invader Zim and here I thought you guys were cool nerds instead of just nerds ;)

You are Professor Frink!!
A good hearted and benevolent genious, your inventions are always unique and clever! On face you seem like you know what you're talking about, but most people suspect that you're full of shit.

Quit Inspecting me
Of course I'm paranoid. You'd be paranoid too if they were after you.


OMG I'M You are Ned Flanders!!
You're a genuinely nice person, and people hate you for it. Being the goody-goody, you avoid risky situations, and try to please everyone. Your attempts to please everyone almost always backfire and are simply annoying.

Queen Gimp
Guild Bank
I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way.......Oh wait...nm


Airelyn Divine
Ex-Queen Gimp of Fortitude


You are Duffman!!
You're a superhero-God of Beer. Saucy but bold, you're a man of few words. You are tough, smart, and know how to thrust your pelvis in the "direction of the problem".
Bumraz Debutcher

In the end we will not remember the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.

Troll without a swamp


You are Krusty the Clown!!
Always cracking clever jokes and insulting others you love being the center of attention. Off the cameras however, you become a cynical, depressed, asshole.

Haha, that's more accurate than I was expecting.
Soulstar Loneshadow
Scaled Nightmare of the Keepers of Fortitude
My passion is like a volcano, waiting to erupt.


You are Disco Stu!!
You're cooler than everyone else, and damnit, rightfully so. You show off your sweet dance moves and speak old-school 70's style to impress others. No one can mess with Disco Stu, no one.
Nizelar Koolcast
Wizards were made to dish it out but NEVER take it........


You are Nelson!!
You're damn mean, but you love it. Being big for your age, you use your power to execute malicious acts to create suffering. You gleefully laugh at others misfortune

My Favorite question was When faced with tough moral decisions, such as those involving cute kittens and old women you tend to
Do the fair thing: help neither. Pretend you never saw it.
Save the lady, Animals aren't worth your time
Get confused, and decide that another beer might help
Somehow manage to save both the kittens and the old woman but sacrificing yourself in the process
Do whatever seems most cool

I chose Do the fair thing: help neither. Pretend you never saw it. I feel so nice :) i should buy my self a present.
Amak - 52 Cleric
Dadamik - 56 Warrior


Strangely enough I got Krusty the Clown


Semi Retired until I move some where I can get intenet access.

Reyburn       65 Monk
Mystwyrd     63 Druid
Syion            52 Bard
Grayfalcan    44 Ranger
Zayburn       24 Cleric