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What happened

Started by ryverwind, June 22, 2004, 07:30:31 AM

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oh my loged in and no one was on, is keepers still around?


Hey bud long time no see or talk to. As far as guild is concerned we are hurting lost quite a few people and some like my self have decided to quit and rest are haveing comp problems heheh so u know how it goes. but was good to hear from u and maybe i see u in game i still log in from time to time
                              later slams / slamsjr (new char if u see him say hello )


/agree Ryver

was starting to think I smelled funny... :(


Hi all sorry yo hear people still having problems with the computer thing. I'm still hiding over in COH playing the super hero fighting crime and the such. hope you all doing well and if you get on COH im on gardian as US Medic :)


Hi folks,

Yes, unfortunately between issues with the "improved" graphics stuffing folks PC's, skilled folks departing to higher raiding guilds, other games or RL, PC breakages and in some cases pregnancy related issues (we are not called a family guild for nothing you know), guild chat has been a little quite lately.

But never fear.... KoF is still here!

Last night, with help from some lovely friends of Rebains, we took 3 groups up 2 BoT towers.  Yes I know, not the high end targets that most folk want, but hey, Kudaku and Slanex (Xtens) seem extreamly pleased with thier new ornate BP's and Bleep (Ginga) has a pretty new shield.
We are going to rebuild and be strong again, but in the mean time folks are out meeting people, leveling alts and gaining aa to make us all stronger.


Maruxil Nottingwood

I'm still around just not as active as I would like at the moment. With the month vacation I took and the move to Washington state this month for the family, I have been a little busy. :(

Hopefully I will be able to kick back a little this holiday weekend but I got to wait and see after I load EQ on the wifes lap top and get a few things fixed on there.

See you all soon.
Sexiest gnomish wizard alive!
Maruxil Nottingwood --- 65 Wizard

The second sexiest gnome alive!
Daruxil Nottingwood --- 55 Cleric


LOL Saiferus...

Looks like we have the same taste as always.  Hiding in COH also.  My name is The Pixie on Freedom.  I'll stop into Guardian sometime to see you.

Last time I jumped on EQ there was 1 KoF member on... was very weird.  Sorry you guys are having trouble.

Miss you all
Airelyn Divine
Ex-Queen Gimp of Fortitude


CoH.  Justice.  Wagner.
Soulstar Loneshadow
Scaled Nightmare of the Keepers of Fortitude
My passion is like a volcano, waiting to erupt.



Just kinda wish i knew what the CoH you are talking about is?
Semi Retired until I move some where I can get intenet access.

Reyburn       65 Monk
Mystwyrd     63 Druid
Syion            52 Bard
Grayfalcan    44 Ranger
Zayburn       24 Cleric


City of Heros RPG on-line game. Based on the Superhero concept rather then Fantasy
Yampus Bonechaser
Lvl 14 Mage Summoner lvl 8 Artisan
"He who controls the Bugs controls....... well, bugs."


CoH... My name is Cruel on Champion.. and yes, Im a dwarf with an Axe. Old habits die hard.
Orian Gemfire
The Original Gnome Cleric *Jealousy*
"And I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide... Ah crap everyones 65! WTF?!"

Orian: You have purty eyes
Fizzgig: why thank you gnomish love god


then why aren't you a gnome defender with a very busy witt?


Orian needs a break until EQ2 :) But dont worry! I still got a very busy witt :D
Orian Gemfire
The Original Gnome Cleric *Jealousy*
"And I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide... Ah crap everyones 65! WTF?!"

Orian: You have purty eyes
Fizzgig: why thank you gnomish love god

Mordae Angon

Jeez, COH? I mean EQ is fuzzy and warm enough but COH...*Shudders* After not playing any games for months I couldn't take it anymore I had to find something to play. But since gamers have become wide spread and Everyone seems to be one lately. I had to find a new way to be differant. So I play a game disliked by the gaming community! Lineage 2...Well when I have time to play *Smiles*

Oh and hello Keepers!  :D

/emote *Goes back to studieng* *Gets a headache* *Takes a small gaming break to remedy it*
Mordae's list of the world's 10 most evil...evils.
1.) Puppies...Nuff Said.
2.) Carebears
3.) NC Soft (Teh Sux)
4.) MMORPG's in General
5.) ROUS's (Tooo Scary!)
6.) Cocky Healers
7.) Mages
8.) Archers (Nerf teh Archorz!)
9.) De-leveling *Cry*
10.) Flap Jacks (To good for my own good)


For those who care.. I've recently reserved WoW2. I played beta, and was completely amazed with the game. Also, the specs are a lot lower then EQ2, but the visuals are still impressive. So if anyone else is headed to that game, perhaps we can play on the same server?
Orian Gemfire
The Original Gnome Cleric *Jealousy*
"And I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide... Ah crap everyones 65! WTF?!"

Orian: You have purty eyes
Fizzgig: why thank you gnomish love god