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cleric epic 2

Started by Fizzgig, September 23, 2004, 09:47:04 AM

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Cleric Epic 1.5/2.0 Walkthrough In Progress

1. Nedaria's Landing - Find Tavon Vastsea (next to Magus)

You say, 'Hail, Tavon Vastsea'

Tavon Vastsea says 'Greetings Impudent, I see you helped my brother in eradicating the Plasmatic Priests, stopping Zordak Ragefire, and saved Norrath from an eternity of flames. We need to [call] you to [duty] again.'

You say, 'call to duty?'

Tavon Vastsea says 'This time the crisis threatens not only Norrath, but all of existence as we know it. Invaders from the Realm of Discord have transversed time and space to conquer this realm. The invaders, these Muramites, are not where the true threat lies. All of Norrath has banded together to stop these invaders, we have managed to halt their incursion for the time being. There are, however, whispers of a [dark faction] within our own, Norrathians who see our fight as futile, and are looking to swear fealty to the forces of the Legion.'

You say, 'what dark faction?'

Tavon Vastsea says 'We don't know much more about them. As I said, they are just whispers, but whispers in unison are loud enough for deaf ears. We cannot afford to present anything short of a unified front, should the Legion push toward Norrath with its full force. We need your assistance to find and exterminate these traitors. I can give you what little [information] I have, hopefully you will be able to track these betrayers to their leader.'

You say, 'what information?'

Tavon Vastsea says 'Travel to Taelosia. There you will find a young native, named Jomaj who had some suspicious dealings with someone claiming they were with the wayfarer's brotherhood. This is the closest I have to direction, gather information from this Taelosian, and bring it to my friend Shav on the Thorn. Find proof as to whether or not these traitors actually exist and return it to me.'

2. Barindu, The Hanging Gardens - Find Jomaj Kaiijin (location approx. 135.44, -679.29, -114.06 in the "corn stalks" near Tipt/Vxed entrance, supposed 2hr spawn or respawns after last note is looted/poofed)

You say, 'Hail, Jomaj Kaiijin'

Jomaj Kaiijin says 'Please don't hurt me! Oh, you aren't one of them. Are you here to ask about the [Wayfarers] that I spoke with?'

You say, 'what wayfarers?'

Jomaj Kaiijin says 'They came to me, asking about the Legion. They wanted to know information on the ranks, how to contact the leaders. They claimed they were looking for information to infiltrate the Legion, but they seemed a little off, even for the Brotherhood. They gave me this note to pass on to the Legion. The whole situation did not seem right to me, you may have the [note]. If they were honestly with the Brotherhood return it to me, and I'll do what they asked. Anything to be rid of these creatures.'

You say, 'what note?'

Jomaj Kaiijin reaches into his tattered robes. As he begins to pull out the note he is impaled in the chest with an arrow. A dark figure melts from the shadows and pulls the note from the hand of the body.

3. Barindu, The Hanging Gardens - Kill Kyv Runner

At this point A Kyv Runner spawns and aggros.
(Possible level 67 mob. Hits up to 850 and has a 690 DD proc)

When you kill the runner:

"As the runner falls to the ground it manages to wrap the note around an arrow and shoot it into the ground nearby, where it is quickly picked up by a Muramite."

Once the Kyv Runner is dead, slay random creatures in the area to gain the "Encrypted Note".

4. Abysmal Sea - Find Shav the Cryptologist

Give Shav the Cryptologist the "Encrypted Note".

Shav the Cryptologist says "Interesting, you say someone who claims to be part of the Brotherhood wrote this? This is one of the dialects used by the Legion. I am the only one able to read or write any of their languages, and this is the first I have seen of this note. From what I can tell, the author is trying to arrange a meeting with the Muramites. It sounds like the contact spot is pre-arranged, as it is only vaguely referred to here. I doubt this is the first note of this nature, perhaps if you could find earlier correspondence we can find the location of the camp."

5. Ferubi, Forgotten Temple of Telosia - Collect 4 Map Pieces

Map Pieces - Lore, No Drop

Ripped Quarter of a Map - Lower Left - Riwwi & Barindu Entrances
Shredded Quarter of a Map - Upper Right - Votal Area
Tattered Quarter of a Map - Lower Right - Riwwi & Barindu Entrances
Torn Quarter of a Map - Upper Left - Smith Rondo Area

6. Abysmal Sea - Find Shav the Cryptologist

Turn in the 4 different map pieces to Shav the Cryptologist.

Shav the Cryptologist says "Ahh yes, this is exactly what we needed." She scratches a few notes down on a piece of paper.

"Bring this to Tweister in Nedaria's Landing. She will tell you the location of the camp.''

Receive "Assembled Map". Item Lore: Map Fully Assembled

7. Nedaria's Landing - Find Cartographer Tweister (on the right dock, loc +1010, +2725)

Hand Cartographer Tweister the "Assembled Map".

Cartographer Tweister pulls out a map and a compass and beings triangulating the coordinates, 'This location is in the South Western corner of Lesser Faydark".

She keeps the map and does not give anything back to you.

8. Lesser Faydark - Find Taskmaster Mirnot (located at "new Wayfarer camp" in southwest corner - multiple group event)

A Cleric must Hail Taskmaster Mirnot (blue at 67) to begin the event. (Other classes will get a message that the camp isn't ready).

After you hail Taskmaster Mirnot, all the "a wayfarer" mobs agro, all spouting off "You traitor, we've been waiting for you" type messages. They all hit for around 600. I believe there were 6 of em, all blue at 67.

Kill the wayfarers that agroed, and the camp immediately respawns full of undead (blue at 67) and a new version of Taskmaster Mirnot (red at 67).

Kill the 6 skeletons and then kill Taskmaster Mirnot(Level 75)
AOE Spell FD, No Mana Drain, loot "Magically Sealed Note"

9. Nedaria's Landing - Goto Tavon Vatsea - Turn in Magically Sealed Note,
receive "Dark Disciples Letter of Service"

10. Wakening Lands- Find Scout Leader Plavo (half-elf warrior in southwest area loc +763, -3085)

Turn in the "Dark Disciples Letter of Service" to Scout Leader Plavo . He gives nothing back.

11. Various Zones - Collect 3 brains (cannot do this one until Lesser Faydark event has been done and turn ins finished)

Western Wastes - Dragon Cerebrum - Item Lore: A flawless sample of Dragon Brain (from Scout Pirri loc +2302, -22)

Akheva Ruins - Akhevan Brain Stem - Item Lore: A flawless sample of Akhevan Brain (from 4-arms where you spawn Spirit of Akelha`Ra)

Ssra Temple - Shissar Cerebral Cortex - Item Lore: A flawless sample of Shissar Brain (from An Elite Temple Guard on 2nd level)

11. Wakening Lands - Find Scout Leader Plavo -3085, +763

Turn in brains to Plavo. Plavo despawns and a Disciple of Discord spawns. Raid event. (if you lose the fight you lose the brains). Defeat Disciple of Discord and he despawns (does not die per Apostate).

Not long into the fight Plavo's Remains will spawn and at 20% he casts mitigation/reflection spells and summons 20-30 adds.

Receive a shield called "Aegis of Chaotic Worship" (no stats)

12. Nedaria's Landing - Find Tavon Vastsea

Turn in "Aegis of Chaotic Worship" to Tavon and he will direct you to a "Dwarf" in Plane of Knowledge. (name unknown at this time)

13. Plane of Knowledge - Find a "Dwarf"

Talk to "Dwarf" in Plane of Knowledge and he will describe the shield and direct you to Natvil in Ruined City of Dranik.

14. Ruined City of Dranik - Find Natvil

Talk to Natvil. He will send you off hunting components to make a temper to "Attune" the shield to yourself. He tells you to bring the completed shield back to him.

15. Various OoW Zones - Collect 3 Plasma to make a Temper

Bazu Plasma - Item Lore: Distilled Blood sample from a Bazu (from Walls of Slaughter)

Murkglider Plasma - Item Lore: Distilled Blood sample from a Murkglider (from Noble's Causeway, murkglider cave in WoS)

? Plasma (blood from "fiery ladies")

Queen Gimp
Guild Bank
I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way.......Oh wait...nm