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Started by Fizelle, August 29, 2003, 10:56:05 PM

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Because your lonely in your nightmare let me in
And it's barren in your garden let me in
Because there's heat beneath your winter let me in
Because you're so lonely in your nightmare let me in
And it's cold out on the stone range let me in
Because there's heat beneath your winter let me in

Quit Inspecting me
Of course I'm paranoid. You'd be paranoid too if they were after you.


I think Laiynla must be talking about high end tradeskill combines and both the hope and fear of failure, as well as the fear of not seeing a "you have improved" message of some kind.  Last night I was working on alchemy, my current skill is 185, working on next combine item which goes trivial at 191..

300 attempts.. 0 improves..  :(

pain.. pain.. feel the pain..
Spellwalker Sonofsky
Have you hugged your shaman today?

Mithriltouch Magicrings
The mind is a terrible thing, especially in the hands of an enchanter.


Actually,  the inspiration  was  a train that ryverwind  once brought me of about 10 mobs,  and i couldnt use an AE me because it was inside a tunnel........
Of course,  i mezzed them all,  but by the time i got them  i was in tears.........LOL

The upper tradeskilling combines are more of a feeling that youre suspended in midair over an ocean of cold water,   and  when you hit combine  time slows and you start falling,  knowing  that there is only a slim chance that you wont  hit the frigid waters of failure........
"I drank what?"  ** Socrates**


Man Fizelle....that looks like my mom when I accidently swore in front of her the other day!  lol


HMMM nightmares nope havent had em in at least uhh maybe 10+ years ago before i met Mindy. but now everytime i sleep i have her in my dream and its ALWAYS a good dream with her there no matter what so maybe im just a normal person cause techincally im weird to charts but techincally the chart is a exact opposite of the truth
Baron Radx Eternalblue
65th Overlord

Underneath my goofy and weirdness is a guy who loves and cares for the girls with all his heart.



Mindy's sleeping with lohagen, vezza, ryverwind, uno and legolyn

and she thinks they are all better than you

this nightmare brought to you by your friendly guildleader :)

Queen Gimp
Guild Bank
I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way.......Oh wait...nm



I haven't had this much fun since the rats ate my babysitter...


just tell those guys to use there own hands :P


wtf?!  No one better be sleeping with MY Loh.



lol I expect I should appologise to those who's partners got tossed into the nightmare with mindy :)

Queen Gimp
Guild Bank
I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way.......Oh wait...nm


Nah that would take the fun out of it Fizz -- besides -- gives me someone to /d since Lego is afraid


lol did I ever tell ya bout the time I /d lego

btw I won :p

Queen Gimp
Guild Bank
I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way.......Oh wait...nm


yeah Lego is a puss and Loh > all.

bah Fizz -- need to talk to you asap -- wanna just keep replying to thread?  lol


turn on your chat programs I have all of em on :)

Queen Gimp
Guild Bank
I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way.......Oh wait...nm


lol chat junkie.

I used to have like 5 chat programs then I just said 'screw it' they can use yahoo or I don't want to talk to them...lol.  If Im feeling nice I'll open AIM but...I'm pretty stubborn.  lol